Our pillow plays a much more important role in our lives than we think. But how do we choose the right one? If we slept well at night, the next day may seem like a toy. Our pillow plays a big role in this. A proper pillow not only affects the quality of sleep, but also how well we rest and fill with energy. A wrong pillow, on the other hand, can worsen headaches, neck pain, numbness in the shoulders and arms, and even sneezing. It does not mean that the pillow causes all of these, but it can certainly make these symptoms worse. At the same time, an old pillow can be full of dead cells, mold, fungi and mites - in fact, it is estimated that in an old pillow, these microorganisms make up at least half of its weight.

It is recommended to change the pillow approximately every 12 to 18 months. Whatever pillow has been closed for two years, it is time to leave. Before buying a new pillow, there are some factors to consider, such as how we sleep. The purpose of the pillow is to keep our body in a neutral alignment while we sleep. This means that our head should not be tilted back or forward. Therefore, if we sleep on our backs, we need a thin pillow, perhaps with a little extra thickness at the bottom, to hold our neck. If we sleep on our side, what we need is a hard enough pillow to fill the space between the ear and the shoulder. Finally, if we sleep face down, we should look for a very thin, almost flat pillow - we may not even need it, but it would be a good idea to have one, placed under the stomach, to avoid back pain.

There are also many options for the inside of the pillow. The most common are feathers, foam or polyester textile fibers. Pillows made of "memory foam" and latex have become quite popular, especially for people who are looking for more support for the neck. Some experts suggest that it is a good idea to have, in a way, a "wardrobe" of pillows, and to use what we need at all times. For example, one day we may need a pillow that better supports the neck, while the next - when we feel better - the same pillow may not be as convenient. Some useful information for each type of pillow:

Foam: Check the density. The thicker and harder the pillow, the less it will wear out, and the more support you will receive, without becoming too soft.

Memory foam: These pillows have become popular because they can be "adjusted" to the shape of the body, reducing pressure. They come in different sizes and shapes.

Latex: This cushion offers the highest hardness, and prevents mold and mites from penetrating inside the cushion. It is also a good choice for those who suffer from back problems.

Wool / Cotton: They are hypoallergenic and also prevent mold and mites. They are usually quite hard.

Feathers: Many sleep experts recommend these pillows as the best choice for rest.

One of the good things about them is that the "padding" of the pillow can be moved, so that we have more support in the places we want. The best combination is 50% feathers and 50% feathers, since the feathers act as springs and offer excellent support. If, on the other hand, you are worried about this type of pillow due to allergies, many studies have shown that they do not pose a greater risk than a synthetic pillow - in fact, they can be even better. But if you do not want to risk it, synthetic feathers are always an option.

Here are two tips to keep in mind when shopping for a new pillow:

Don't just think about the cost, as a more expensive pillow will not necessarily be better (or more convenient) for you, and most of the time you can find a great option without having to empty your wallet. Also, if possible, try the pillow at the store. If you can lie down to see how it supports you, do so. Alternatively, stand with your back to the wall and place behind your head. Ask a manager to tell you if your neck is tilted in any direction. The right pillow helps keep your neck in line with your spine.